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The complexity and pace of change in today's marketplace has required organizations to be more flexible and adaptive than ever before. One consequence of this dynamic is that coordination and work processes are increasingly occuring through informal networks rather than formal structures. Uncovering these informal networks is vital to a company's ability to leverage them.

Social Network Analysis is a powerful tool that illustrates visible patters of information sharing within and across strategically important networks. With roots from Social Psychology and Cultural Anthropology, social networking is gaining prominence as a key tool in understanding organizational dynamics.

Network analysis has been used to:

Support Partnerships and Alliances

Ensure Strategy Execution

Collaboration and Decision Making in Top Leadership

Integration of Networks Across Core Processes

Promote Innovation

Ensure Integration Post-Merger or After Large-Scale Change

Personal Networks and Leadership Development

Social Network Analysis can help your
organization in:

Organizational Diagnosis
Designing Jobs/Roles & Aloocating Resources
Developing Retention Strategies
Identifying Selection/Promotion Criteria
Improving Team Effectiveness
Identifying and Improving Personal Networks of Key Leaders
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