Behavioral Insights adheres to the highest quality standards set forth by worldwide professional codes of practice.
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Our Mission is to
provide you with the
knowledge, insight and
guidance to help you
achieve your marketing
and business objectives
through the execution of
intelligent, creative global

Our creative qualitative techniques include:

Benefit Chains/Inhibitor Chains "Laddering" - Respondents are probed sequentially for the ultimate benefit or inhibitor associated with a product or service.

Perceptual Mapping - Respondents place brands on axes with various attributes.

Experience Mapping - Borrowing from the discipline of Behavioral Psychology, a critical incident technique that dives deep into specific customer experiences. Ideal for customer win/loss analyses.

Photo-Matching/Photo Sorting - Photographs of people are matched to brands or sorted by brand users.

Role-Playing/Reverse Role-Playing - Respondents enact specific situations to demonstrate behavior or "reverse" and enact someone else's (spouse) role.

Guided Retrospection/Free Association - Respondents' feelings and emotions are probed and then explored vis-à-vis other times or events when similar feelings/emotions were evoked.

Image Diagnostics (personification, free association, etc.) - Product/Brand/company image is explored through personification, free association, etc.

Storytelling - Respondents tell stores about brands, brand users, etc.

Category Matching - Products or brands are matched to non-related categories in terms of the way they think and feel about the brand.

Deprivation - Respondents are asked not to use brand or product prior to group to help them articulate emotional connection with brand or product.

Husband/Wife Groups/Interviews - Provide contrasting views in decision-making processes that involve joint decisions.

Non-Related Pairs - Pairs of respondents interact in role-playing exercises.

Telephone Interviews - Used to interview respondents who are geographically dispersed.

Areas of Specialization

Positioning and Messaging
Consumer Wants and Needs
Brand Attitudes
Advertising Testing
Naming Studies
Package Testing
New Product Testing and Development
Customer Win/Loss Studies
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